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The Most Comfortable Carrier for You and Your Baby – Artipop

- [21.3. 2025]
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The Most Comfortable Carrier for You and Your Baby – Artipop - 1
The Most Comfortable Carrier for You and Your Baby – Artipop - 2
The Artipoppe carrier is an absolute favorite in our home. We tried several other brands, but none of them worked for us – even though they mimic the look, they don’t match the technology. If I had known this earlier, I would have saved the money and bought this one right away. It’s super comfortable, lightweight, and thanks to the high-quality craftsmanship, my back doesn’t hurt even after a whole day of wearing.

You can wear your baby in three ways – on your chest facing you, facing outward, or on your back. It’s suitable from birth up to 20 kg (44 lbs).

If you’re considering it, you can take advantage of a $50 / £40 / €50 discount and free express shipping within 24 hours – simply shop through this link, and the discount will be automatically applied in your cart:


Enjoy carrying! 💛 And if you need any advice on the carrier or babywearing in general, feel free to reach out – I’m happy to help!


Zuzana ešpaček


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Lokalita:Mapa170 00 Praha 7


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1 250 Kč
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